BOISE, ID, September 10, 2004 - The Idaho Potato Commission recently announced that it has renewed its partnership with fitness icon Denise Austin who has served as an impassioned advocate for Idaho Potatoes for the past year.
As part of its partnership, the IPC sponsors Austin's hugely popular "Daily Workout" program on Lifetime Television Network. The sponsorship is particularly timely due to America's current obsession with diets and the debate surrounding carbohydrates. An avid critic of diets that eliminate major food groups, Austin is devoted to educating the public about the important role complex carbohydrates (like those found in Idaho Potatoes) play in fueling working muscles.
"An active lifestyle and healthy balanced eating habits are the magic formula as far as I'm concerned," said Austin. "In addition to fueling busy bodies, Idaho Potatoes are packed with vitamins and nutrients, and it is a shame that some people are missing out on one of nature's most perfect foods."
Recently in Los Angeles, Austin filmed a new commercial for the IPC that will air nationally starting in a few weeks. While she was there, she met with Frank Muir, the IPC's President and CEO (see photo on Page 1), and the two had a little fun comparing muscles.
"Our partnership with Denise has been a wonderful experience and we welcome the opportunity to continue the affiliation," said Muir. "She is an expert and she is very well-respected in both the consumer and trade audiences. People know her and they know that she is knowledgeable about the human body and how to take care of it. She's helped us get set the record straight about potatoes."
The new commercial is currently in production (Evans, Hardy+Young, the IPC's advertising and public relations agency is responsible), and is just one of several initiatives that the IPC plans to leverage its relationship with Austin.
"We have exciting plans in place," said Muir. "We look forward to rolling them out in the new fiscal year, which just started on September 1, so stay tuned!"
Although Idaho is famous worldwide for its premium potatoes, some consumers don't realize that only potatoes grown in the Gem State can wear the "Grown In Idaho" seal. Both Idaho® Potatoes and the "Grown in Idaho®" seal are federally registered Certification Marks that belong to the IPC. These Marks ensure that consumers are purchasing potatoes that have been grown in the state of Idaho.
Susan Hughes
Foodservice Consultant
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