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I will be feeding 150 people a baked potato bar. I live 3 hours from the event. Can I pre-cook the potatoes, store them in a cooler (was thinking about using a heating pad to keep it hot) And transport them to the feeding location?
For long time periods, I have had better luck doing some sort of boil in the bag set up for mashed potatoes (or even boil water and add the convenient dry mashed potatoes at the last minute), fold in warm oil or dairy and serve in scoops or pipe out of pastry bags and have guests top with different fixings. Potatoes in a sauce can also hold up better for longer periods of time, such as a scalloped or AuGratin.
Just remember the food safety guidelines, hot food hot and cold food cold. In between can be right in the danger zone.
Dr. Potato isn't a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions.
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